Friday, February 28, 2014

Michael Cassio, the Lone Gentleman

Michael Cassio is a gentleman.  The only known of his kind in Othello.  Iago tries to make Othello believe that Desdemona and Michael Cassio are having an affair, and Othello wants no part of this. Micheal Cassio also holds Iago's dream job, lieutenant.

Michael Cassio's kissing of other's wives was once actually the polite thing to do, unlike now where Cassio would have started a fight.  This is the biggest act of being a gentleman so far in Othello.  Michael Cassio is the gentleman.

Iago decides to stir up trouble and make Othello believe that Michael Cassio and Desdemona are lovers.  Cassio's nature of being a gentleman backfires on him, others see him kiss Desdemona and this adds plenty of fuel to the fire to make Othello believe that the affair is really going on.

The lieutenant of Othello's army is  Michael Cassio, Iago deeply desires this job and he wants to get out of being the flag bearer.  Iago gets very jealous of Michael Cassio's job and fuels his desire to bring down Cassio.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Desdemona, the Traitor, the Lover

In the Shakespeare play "Othello" Desdemona is the daughter of Brabantio, and she is the wife of the general and the Moor, Othello.  Desdemona betrayed her family by marrying the Moor, according to her father.  Desdemona is also loved by Roderigo, who almost killed himself over not being able to have Desdemona.

Desdemona is a strong woman, she married the man she loved without her father's approval, showing her tremendous courage.  She also chooses to go off to war in order to be with her husband, Othello.  The most significant act by her so far is standing up to Iago. No one had stood up to Iago before, but Desdemona had the courage to defend Emilia and many other women.

Iago was degraded his wife Emilia right in front of her eyes. Iago sets a very low bar for being a gentleman, but this is the lowest he has gone.  Not only does Iago bring down his wife he starts to bring down all women.  This is when Desdemona steps in and finally says no to Iago.  Desdemona stop the bully for the day, but now Desdemona has a giant target on his her back, and Iago has a bow and many arrows.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Iago the King of Gossip

In the Shakespeare play, "Othello," Iago is the slimy squirrel of a man.  If the brutal mistake of trusting  Iago is made, multiple back stabs will occur on his behalf.  The squirrel man has no problem throwing insults at others to getting his devious way.  There is another point in having Iago in the story he is the foil of the man character, Othello.

During Act 1 of  "Othello," Iago told Brabantio, that Brabantio's daughter had married Othello, the Moor.  Then Iago went off and told Othello that, Brabantio was coming for his daughter, and the he was, loyal to Othello.  Iago a man who is slimy and will start trouble behind your back.  When someone decides to trust Iago they are in for a wild ride.

Iago and Othello are two very different people, they are foils, or characters who are opposite of another character.  Iago slimy squirrel like self brings out the trustworthiness in Othello do to comparison. The effects of a foil work the other way around as well.

Iago is the untrustworthy, slimy squirrel man who is the foil of the great Othello.