Friday, March 14, 2014

Othello the Gullible

Othello is the Moor general of the army, he is also the husband of Desdemona and the boss of Micheal Cassio and Iago.  Othello is in the middle of Iago's grand scheme.

When Othello hears of t Iago's tale of Micheal Cassio and Desdemona's affair, the general fires Micheal Cassio and moves Iago the flag bearer up to Cassio's position of Lieutenant.

Othello then goes on to give his wife the cold shoulder, disregarding her completely.  He loses all the trust had with his wife.

Othello is a real fool for not figuring out that Iago is a squirrel man.  He did not believe the word of his own wife and his right hand man making him the villain.